"It is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books." - Chinese Proverb

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

好久不見 - Long Time, No See

Ni Hao Everyone!

First and foremost, I apologize for my serious lack of blog entries. I know this is how most of my family keeps in touch with/follows me, so I'm sorry I have been a stranger the past few months.

However, I've been re-inspired and I'm hoping from now on I can make more consistent entries.

As for now, I'll just give you a quick update on what's going on in my life now and in the future:

1. I just started a new 12-week exercise/fitness program (from bodybuilding.com - don't worry, I'm not trying to be a bodybuilder, I just want to be healthy!) and I'm really excited about it. I've already lost 10 pounds (woo!) and I can see more definition in my muscles :) Which is perfect for number two on this list...

2. Thailand! I am planning to spoil myself for my 23rd birthday this year with a trip to Thailand over the summer. No specific dates or destinations are set yet - all I know is I NEED to have some beach and sun in my life (I think four years at the beach in NC has turned me into a beach bum). But, before I head on that adventure, I'm even more excited about...

3. Mom & Sammy are coming to visit in June! (Cross your fingers - they haven't bought the plane tickets yet, but the visa applications are in the mail!!) I'm so excited to take them all around Hangzhou - to West Lake, to the campus where I teach, to KTV (karaoke), etc. We are also planning on visiting a few other places in China, namely Guilin, Shanghai, Nanjing and Suzhou.

(Photo: West Lake, Hangzhou) 

4. Another year in China...? Why, yes! For those of you who don't know, I have been invited (and I have unofficially accepted) to return to Hangzhou Normal University to continue teaching next year. I'm feeling good about this decision because it'll give me a chance to refine my teaching skills (oh, I have learned so much this year), actually learn Chinese, see some more places and, what it really comes down to, find my rhythm.  

As for right now, everything is going well - we are about 3/4's of the way finished with the semester and (compared to last semester), I'm feeling much better about teaching. My English majors are working on persuasive speaking (which, it turns out, is a lot like persuasive writing - and I love writing! So it's actually more fun than I thought it'd be). And my English minors are working on performances (they're currently re-writing classic fairy tales and they'll be performing them in a few weeks). Final exams are in a little over a month and then it's travel time! 

Again, I am so sorry it's been so long - I really am going to try to be more consistent with this thing from now on. 

So, on that note, I'll be back soon!

- Olivia 

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