"It is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books." - Chinese Proverb

Monday, May 14, 2012

Dragon Well Hike

So this Saturday, Rachel and I celebrated the birthday of our friend Justin by giving him a "Justin Day." Pretty much, we spent the day wandering around Hangzhou and doing some of Justin's favorite things. We played some frisbee around West Lake, had a picnic, went on a hike, ate some Papa John's, sang some karaoke, and went dancing. It was a long day, but it was fun. And, during our hike, we went to one of the "famous" locations of Hangzhou: the Dragon Well. For those of you who don't know, green tea is a BIG DEAL in China. And Hangzhou is famous for its green tea, "龙井绿茶 (Lóngjǐng lǜchá)" or "Dragon Well Green Tea." It's grown in the hills around West Lake. And it turns out, there really is a Dragon Well - which is really just a well, nothing special. However, around the well are plenty of hiking trails that take you up in the hills and lead you to some really pretty views of Hangzhou - and I thought y'all might enjoy some pictures :)

This is me posing as a dragon in front of the Dragon Well

A man working in the tea fields up on the hills

The view of West Lake from the hilltop - please excuse the pollution

Looking down on tea fields and a small village on the other side of the hill

Making our way back down

Tea terraces!

Justin and I on an extremely crowded bus heading back to West Lake after the hike

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