"It is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books." - Chinese Proverb

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Today, I'm leaving for an adventure with Rachel and one of my students, Arlene.

Arlene is taking us to her hometown, Ningbo, which is one of the largest cities (besides Hangzhou) in Zhejiang province. She has planned a lovely 4-day trip for us, including fruit-picking, sightseeing, and (my favorite part): beaches!

So tomorrow, we'll be going to pick a fruit that's native to this region of China called Yangmei (i杨梅) (English names: Waxberry or Chinese Bayberry). This fruit is juicy, sweet and delicious, but it only grows for about 10 days during June - very seasonal! And it doesn't seem to exist outside of this part of China, so unfortunately, you probably won't get a chance to try it yourself unless you come here during June/July. This is really a shame for you, because it's one of the most delicious fruits I've ever eaten. This woman's blog gives a great description of its taste! 

Then we'll be spending two days around the beach (fingers crossed for good weather - I need some sun on this skin!) and finally doing some sightseeing around Ningbo. Of course, I'm sure our trip will also be full of delicious food and lots of laughs. My camera is fully charged, so expect lots of pictures!

And once I get back, it'll be only two more days until Mom and Sammy come - I can't even describe how excited I am!! 

Happy Summer, everyone :)

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