"It is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books." - Chinese Proverb

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Today, while I was exercising at the gym, I saw a man wearing a black shirt.
A black shirt with a picture of a panda on it.
But this wasn't just any panda.
It was a bedazzled panda made completely of sparkly, silver crystals.
Only in China, my friends...

It's times like this I really wish I had a camera phone for taking covert photography.

In other news, today I exercised my legs and I set new PR's (Personal Records) for 6 out of 8 exercises! Sometimes I find myself getting a little discouraged about exercising, and it's days like today that remind me how much progress I'm making. So, for any of you out there also trying to live a healthier lifestyle, don't lose hope! Keep going! And for those of you currently happy with your lifestyles, then keep on enjoying :)

Peace out!

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