"It is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books." - Chinese Proverb

Monday, June 10, 2013

5 Weeks Left in China

Oh my goodness, people - times are busy here in China!
Last day of class with my writing students!

Remember when I told you all about my hectic month of May? Well, it didn't end there - June has been keeping me just as busy, and it doesn't look like it's going to stop any time soon. In fact, I don't think I'm going to have another break until July 18... when I finally return to America! Yep, you read it - I'm coming back to the USA in just over one month.

Holy **insert expletive of choice here**

So what am I still looking forward to this month? Let me break it down for you:

1. Last days of class (which is probably the saddest part of this whole month).
See what I mean? Saying goodbye is the worst.
2. Submitting final grades. A hectic and tedious process as always. Due Date: June 21.
For instance, I'll be reading all of these papers in the near future...
3. Spending extra time with students. For example, I'm going to KTV & dinner with some of my writing students tomorrow, and going shopping with another of my students on Wednesday... you get the idea.
I mean,
why wouldn't students want to hang out with me?
4. Going to Hong Kong! (I'll write more about this later, obviously).
Just in case you wondered why I'd go to HK...
5. Travelling out west to Guizhou province with some of my students (I'm so excited!).
Guizhou is famous for this baby: China's largest waterfall.
6. Then heading (finally!!!) to JiuZhaiGou National Park for my birthday (hopefully with Dave!!).
And this will be my birthday present to myself.
I think you see why.
7. Frantic shopping, sightseeing, goodbye-saying and memory-making around Hangzhou.

8. Attempting to pack my life into two (eh... maybe three) suitcases, under 50 pounds each. Ha.

Yep, I am doing some hardcore cramming during these last 5 weeks here. And I may be completely worn out by the time I make it back home, but I'm certain it will all be worth it. I'll be leaving China with a bang, y'all.
Another one of my writing classes -
these girls are fabulous.
As for this week, we have a few days off for Dragon Boat Festival. This will be the one holiday I don't travel elsewhere this semester because I'm using these four days to catch up on work (I have been suffering from a severe case of "senioritis"; main symptom: procrastination). I'm also using these days to do some serious work on this puppy (this blog, I mean), so you can expect a number of posts in the near future. Finally, I'm using these days to sleep, because that hasn't been happening much lately.
But that's okay. I'd take this over sleep any day.
(Next post about my hike to Huangshan!)
So, this is your warning: expect more posts. Soon. I hope you read them. I hope you enjoy them. And I hope you comment on them (which you can do, even if you're not a member/blogspot user).

Until then, my friends!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Olivia,

I am Christina, a friend of Charlotte Adams, I live in hangzhou. She told me you are having your intern here. How is everything going? If you need any help or you want to go anywhere, please tell me! I can be your guide! Hope you enjoy your rest of the days here!