"It is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books." - Chinese Proverb

Thursday, June 13, 2013

A Meaningful Letter

This week marks the last week I teach my classes at HNU. It has been full of hugs, gifts, smiling and pictures with all of my darling students. Today, I received an e-mail from one of my students, and while I was reading it, I actually teared up a little bit (and I am not a crier, so this is big, y'all!).

I wanted to share this letter with you because it is so sweet and so special. I am not posting this letter to toot my own horn or brag (okay, maybe a little...). But seriously, I just thought it was so nice and has completely summarized my second year teaching here (which, as a teacher, has been exponentially better than my first).
Snowy & I after class today

Here it is:

My Reflection of Oral English Class
    How time flies! Almost two years have pasted during English study in my college. Next semester, we will not have oral English classes any more, I’m so sad because this class is the most useful class I have ever taken, I really want to continue to learn it. In this letter, I want to express my thankfulness to you and wish you happy every day.

    Before we met you, our class was taught by              [I covered this name for privacy reasonsin freshmen year. At that time, the class is a little boring, we always keep silent and unwilling to put up our hands. So sometimes there is an awkward pause during the class. When it came to the final exam, everyone is familiar with the materials that he gave us. It seems that everyone is a good speaker, everybody can be very talkative. But the truth is what we are talking is so similar, the things that we are talking does not have any creative taste, the only things they know is just the information from the material or some common sense which we have already know. We even asked Baidu [a Chinese search engine, like Google] to answer              questions, because we thought Baidu can solve any problems we met. I guess               may not define our class as a vivid class, he will be anxious when we keep quiet.

    However, things got totally changed when you came to teach us in the sophomore year. Can you imagine how excited we were when we heard this good news?

I would like to say that I do really enjoy the lessons that you gave us. Your class is so lively and of course pretty active that everybody can practice their speaking ability.

    Besides, you are so kind to everyone. You can remember our names quickly because you really care about us, however so many students you are teaching at the same time, not like some of Chinese teachers, they sometimes can’t remember our names after teaching one semester, they just don’t care. In my eyes, remember ones name can shorten the distance between us and soon be friends.

    Every time I met you, we always greeting with each other happily, using the greeting words you have teach me. And every time when having your class, I’m very excited though after 7 classes [our class was at the end of the day]. You touch everyone in our class by your kindness, enthusiasm, energetic, smartness and so on.

    This semester, we have debate of the class. You gave us some issues which we don't have such exactly definition, give us something professional, something related to our society problems even something related to love or even sex. I do really appreciate it, because it made the issues be sensitive not always sensible. We will not ask Baidu any more since the issues are closely related to us and we are able to solve the problem though our brain storm and be brave to express own opinions in front of the class. We really benefit from it very much, which can not only improve oral English but also the quick thinking and the courage.

    When we were in the freshmen year, since there were many students in our class, when a student was answering the questions or did the presentation, the rest of students felt nothing and didn’t care about it. However, in your class, after the debate, you will ask some of us to gave the feedback. It was quite a good method, you made everyone be attentive in class.

    What’s more, your advice about teaching and interviewing is of great use in our future life. We are all English majors, we will finally use it in the job hunting. Do you know, I admire you very much for you always teach us something useful in advance, which will make us more confident to be a teacher.

    Maybe, I’m just a ordinary student to you, nothing special, but you are one of the best teachers I have ever met, I will cherish this kind of relationship forever. Next semester, I will miss you, miss your classes, miss every happy second in the class. If I become a teacher in the future, I promise to be a teacher like you, kind to everyone and teach them with all my heart. You are a special and impressive teacher and surely give me a great impress in my college life.

Sincerely, Snowy

...and cue tears & tissue now.

'til next time, everyone!

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