"It is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books." - Chinese Proverb

Saturday, January 5, 2013


Here in China, the “New Year’s Eve” celebration that happens on December 31st is nothing to look forward to. Sure, you get a day or two off from work, but really, this New Year’s Eve is completely dwarfed by Spring Festival, aka: the Chinese New Year (which isn't until February 10th this year). Therefore, New Year’s celebrations aren’t taken quite as seriously as they are back home… which is good, because I personally had a very lazy and laid back New Year’s Eve this year. Let me tell you all about it…

The Oriental Pearl TV Tower in Shanghai... it lights up at night!

On December 30th, Rachel, Amanda and I headed to Shanghai to do some sightseeing and last-minute shopping before Amanda headed back to America on December 31st. I’ve been to Shanghai quite a few times, so going there isn’t quite as exciting as it used to be. However, I still can’t seem to get enough of that Shanghai skyline… it’s just so cool! And no Shanghai trip is complete without a brief photo shoot in front of the iconic “bund.” Check it out!

Me and Rachel!

The Classic "Jumping" Shot

Happy New Year!

Aside from this brief sightseeing and last bit of shopping, we spent most of our time in Shanghai chillin’ out in our hostel room, eating Western junk food and watching Korean dramas. (Speaking of which, Amanda has introduced Rachel and I to Korean Dramas, most notably one called “Secret Garden” which is absolutely adorable and you can totally find it on Hulu… I plan on watching the rest of it as soon as I’m done grading final exams).

Seriously... this show is so cute!
On Monday (the 31st), the three of us ventured out to Shanghai’s PuDong airport to drop Amanda off for her afternoon flight. Then, Rachel and I proceeded to go shopping in a giant knock-off market where we purchased products like handbags, iPhone cases, glasses, speakers and even makeup – all for crazy cheap prices. What better way to end 2012 than shopping in a mecca of knock-off goodies?

Look at all that Chinese stuff...

Last meal of 2012!
(Sorry it's blurry - it's an iPod photo)
Finally, we made our way to a delicious Thai restaurant for our last meal of the year. And then, being the lazy bums we are, headed back early to our hostel where we rang in the new year watching a fireworks show on TV, screaming at scary movies, eating frosting straight from the can and drinking Diet Coke. I couldn't have started the year any better!

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