"It is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books." - Chinese Proverb

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


**This post was originally written on December 26, 2012. Due to internet troubles in China, it has been published late.**

Merry Christmas, everybody! Or, should I say, “Sheng Dan Kuai Le!” (That’s Chinese for “Merry Christmas”… obviously).

Our Christmas Display!

This Christmas has been an unusual one, for sure. But it’s not my first non-traditional Christmas. Last year, of course, was my first Christmas away from the family (I miss you guys!), but luckily it was on a Sunday so I got to spend some quality time with my China “family” here. The year before that (2010’s Christmas) was spent on an airplane to Florida in preparation for a holiday cruise (which was awesome, by the way!). We had our regular “Christmas” celebration on Christmas Eve. So, clearly, I’m not one to celebrate “traditional” Christmases.
Amanda and I as we got surprised by a flurry of fake snow!

However, this year was less traditional in a slightly more negative way because this year Christmas fell on a Tuesday. And Tuesday, my friends, is a work day. That’s right: I had to work on Christmas. And I didn’t even get paid extra! But it’s alright, because for Christmas, I gave my students a wonderful gift: a final exam! Mwahahaha!! (evil, much?) It was definitely weird to work on Christmas though – it lost a little of its magic. And, I mean, isn’t the best part of Christmas being able to stay in your pajamas all day? Because that’s definitely one of my favorite parts. Alas, I could not wear my pajamas to school, and so… I had to get dressed on Christmas. It was, as some say, a tragedy. But, I had a plan to make it all better…

So, after work on Tuesday (Christmas), I went to my friend Rachel’s apartment (she lives two floors below me). It was Christmas, and so, of course, I came bearing gifts. I had two packages which I presented to Rachel and Amanda (Rachel’s friend from college who was visiting for a few weeks). They opened their presents and were surprised to find ridiculous, Chinese pajamas and slippers. Because the best part of Christmas is pajamas! (Like I said before…). I then told them that I also had a matching set of pajamas and slippers for myself, and that we were to wear our outfits for the rest of the night… including to dinner and KTV. I mean, really, does anything sound more fun than singing your favorite songs with your friends all in the comfort of your jammies? I think not. And so, my friends and I shamelessly ate Korean BBQ in our fluffy-fleece pajamas and teddy-bear slippers and then spent the next four hours screaming singing all kinds of songs at the local KTV. And in the end, we all deemed Christmas-Pajama-KTV-Night to be a massively awesome hit. And it was wonderful.

All of us in our new PJ's with a Chinese Santa Claus and his friend!

Cooking up some Korean BBQ... in style.

Rachel and Amanda in their new Pajamas
And rockin' out at KTV.
We also attempted a slightly more traditional “Christmas” celebration on Wednesday morning, where we cooked a big breakfast and exchanged the rest of our gifts (all in our new PJ’s, of course!). Such gifts like red underwear, silk robes, pink and blue hair extensions and even a leg of ham were all part of our exchange on Wednesday morning. And the breakfast (prepared by Rachel and myself – both of us are self-declared non-cookers) turned out to be really delicious! So, although my Christmas was a little unusual and definitely unlike Christmases of the past, I think in the end it was a great success that will provide some lovely memories.

Wednesday morning's spoils

Modeling their new silk panties... Captain Underpants style

Yes. That really is a full-sized leg of ham. Thank you, China. 

And now Christmas is over… which means the Christmas music will finally stop (Thank goodness!!) and it’s time to look forward to other things. Unfortunately, most of what I’m looking forward to now is a crazy-big load of grading and paperwork to be done. But, once that’s all over, it’ll be time for me to board a plane and head back to America for winter vacation! And O-M-G I cannot wait!

Modeling my new Christmas outfit! 
So, whether your Christmas was “normal” or, like mine, a little weird, I hope you had a really wonderful time and I hope you’re looking forward to the New Year!

Until next time,


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