"It is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books." - Chinese Proverb

Monday, August 8, 2011

Good News!

So, for those of you who didn't know: It is now officially official!! I received my Chinese visa in the mail on Wednesday and have purchased my ticket to Hangzhou.

I leave on Monday, August 29th at 10:15 am from RDU to New York. From there, I fly to Beijing and finally to Hangzhou. I arrive at 12:10 am on August 31st (Hangzhou time - 12 hours ahead of NC time). Total travel time? Approximately 25 hours. I won't deny it, it's going to be a long day. But it sure will be worth it!!

Of course, as it approaches, I am trying to be more and more appreciative of those who support me and show them how much I'll miss them. In fact, I've been doing research and it looks like I will be able to use my MagicJack in Hangzhou. This means that I will have a phone with a US phone number connected to my computer - it can call anywhere in the US without all the crazy international fees. So, if you're interested in getting this phone number, just shoot me an e-mail! (oecunningham2010@gmail.com). I will also have my Skype set up (my skype name is: olivia.cunningham615) - go ahead and download it, it's free!!

I'll be sure to keep everyone updated on my plans. But now, it's cleaning time.



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