"It is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books." - Chinese Proverb

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Less than a Week!

I am leaving in five days... count 'em: FIVE. My stomach is playing host to a butterfly family reunion and I can't fall asleep at night. But, oh man, I am excited!!
 I just found out that I'll be living in an apartment complex with other foreign teachers of HNU. The apartments are located in downtown Hangzhou, right in the center of everything. I also have my first staff meeting on the 31st (yes, that is the day I arrive) and classes start on the first of September. However, if I am only assigned to teach freshmen classes, that means that I won't start teaching until September 19. This is because all Chinese first-year college students must partake in mandatory two-week military training at the beginning of the semester. So, fingers crossed I get some fun and interesting classes to teach!
Now, I must get back to my mountain of laundry (I'm hoping everything fits!) and start putting clothes into the suitcases. Woo!
Zaijian everyone!

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