"It is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books." - Chinese Proverb

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Happy Chinese New Year everybody! This past Sunday (February 10) marked the beginning of the year of the snake… which, in my humble opinion, is probably the best of the twelve Chinese zodiacs. (Okay, you caught me – I was born in the year of the snake, so I may be a little biased). In China, it’s an especially big deal if the new year is your year (it only happens once every twelve years!) However, in order to ensure that your year is a fortunate one, it is imperative to wear red every day. Most Chinese people say red underwear is the best way to stay lucky, but I have heard that red jewelry or other articles of clothing are also acceptable (and thank goodness! Because I have a total of two pairs of red underwear – imagine tryin’ to make those last for 360+ days… ha!) So, for anyone else born between February 6, 1989 and January 26, 1990, be sure to wear something red every day this year… and here’s to a fortunate year for all of you!

Roxy gettin' fancy for the new year...

For the Chinese New Year this year, I attempted to celebrate (though nothing will ever compare to the Chinese New Year I had last year… in CHINA!) and while nothing really turned out as planned, I ended up having a blast with my good ole family. On the new year’s eve, Sammy and I went out to a field to watch an illegal impromptu fireworks show put on by some local college kids (aka: Sammy’s friends). The fireworks ended up being some of the most anticlimactic I’ve ever seen (sorry Sammy’s friends, but I think you have to spend more than 20 bucks for a decent fireworks display…) but the milkshakes we had afterwards were delish! And I suppose some fireworks are better than none.

I'll take quality family time over quality fireworks any day

New Year’s Day was spent attempting to do Chinese activities with my family. We ate Asian candies, attempted to make Chinese bubble tea, played some serious mahjong and went to an American Chinese buffet for dinner (which I cannot recommend to anyone… but, hey, it’s the thought that counts, right?)  We also managed to take some family pictures, which I think turned out totally adorable!

My attempt at bubble tea...
Alas, they do it better in China
Playing Mahjong in our Chinese jammies!

I love these people!!

I’m still working on my summer-saga posts… I can’t wait to start writing about the seriously epic budget tour that Rachel and I took in August. But for now, I’d just like to wish all of you a happy new year full of happiness and optimism. Always make the best of what you’ve got, and never take your family for granted… oh, and wear red panties!

Because what's a family photo shoot without awkward photos?
Smile with ALL your teeth, girls!

See you soon! Zai Jian!