"It is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books." - Chinese Proverb

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Just writing about the time I had with my mom and sister in China makes me miss them – and I’m in America with them now! But I know next time I head back to Hangzhou, they definitely won’t be joining me. Don’t worry, that doesn't mean I’m not looking forward to my final semester at HZNU, but school doesn’t start for another two weeks, so for now, I’m going to soak up the past and bask in those sweet, sweet memories.

Like I’ve written about previously, my mom, sister and I traveled to various destinations across China during their two-week stay with me – from Xitang to Suzhou, Changzhou and Guilin, we certainly saw some unique parts of China. I think my favorite part of our trip, however, was the down time we spent in Hangzhou. I loved showing my family how I live every day – where I eat, shop, relax and go out. It was such a relief to finally show them what I’d been telling them about for a whole year! So I’m going to share with you some of the highlights of our time spent in Hangzhou…

Shopping at the local grocery store…
Mmm... fresh frog!
And you can't go wrong with chicken feet!

Trying really weird traditional Chinese snacks…
I can't even tell you what this is called...
but I can tell you it is a super salty preserved egg. Yum.

Sammy's a champ!
Also, chicken feet are (supposedly) good for your skin 

Exploring Downtown…
This is possibly my favorite building in HZ

Eating delicious food…
You can't leave China without trying Hot Pot!

Doing some serious shopping…
Hangzhou Silk Market = My Mother's Paradise
Shopping on HeFang Street

Singing (more) karaoke…

Riding some questionably safe rickshaws...
During the ride, all three of us (somehow) fit back there...
and survived.

Eating some more delicious food…
Gotta try that Peking Duck!
....and some lotus root, of course!
 Hiking around West Lake...
There is a huge lake behind us, I swear...
please excuse the pollution 

And overall, having a blast!

East Side!!

When it was finally (and quite sadly) time for Mom & Sammy to head home, I took them back to Shanghai (a day early to do some sightseeing – which we hardly took any pictures of!) where they caught their flight and (20+ hours later) made it safely back to North Carolina. Thinking back on our big adventure, it hardly feels real… but I am so grateful that my family was lucky enough to visit me. Not only were we able to create everlasting memories together, but it is so helpful to have someone who has seen China – seen my home of two years! – to talk and reminisce with when I’m back in America (reverse culture shock is no joke, people). And the fact that my mom and sister were able to visit me in a country so far from home is just another wonderful reminder of how fortunate I am to have an extremely supportive and loving family (dad included!). I could not ask for more.

I can always count on my family
to be just as shameless as I am

Come back soon to read all about my other big trip of the summer – Budget Tour 2012 with Rachel!

Until then, Zai Jian!

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