"It is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books." - Chinese Proverb

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Can I go back to Asia now?

For those of you who don't know, I've been back in the States for 5 days now.

Five days and I already miss the Middle Kingdom...

Don't get me wrong, I love being home. I love hanging out with my parents and sister; I love eating my mom's delicious home-cooked meals; I love snuggling with my adorable fat cat, Roxy; I love being able to finally see my two best friends in person. Being home is a great feeling.

But I miss China too.
Why wouldn't I miss all this?!?

So what brought this on? Well, today I stopped by a little nail salon for a simple manicure. The woman who did my nails was a middle-aged Vietnamese lady who, at first, had no time for talking. During the first 20 minutes of my manicure, we probably spoke about 10 words to each other total. I figured she wasn't feeling very social - no problem.

But then, somehow, it came up that I had just moved back to America from China, where I had spent the last two years. You would not believe how bright and animated my manicurist became - we talked nonstop for the rest of my manicure! She asked me all about my life in China; we compared Vietnamese and Chinese culture; she questioned why I didn't have a Chinese boyfriend after two years... the topics went on. I couldn't believe this was the same woman from 20 minutes prior. It was so much fun talking to her; her personality became so warm and inviting, which reminded me of some of my favorite Chinese people.

By the end of my manicure, I had received an invitation to travel to Vietnam with my manicurist in the winter (during the Chinese New Year, of course!) where I could "go to the beach every day, eat delicious and fresh food, and even meet a rich, Vietnamese husband!" I am not even joking people.

And even though there's a slim chance I'll be taking up her offer, the warmth and sincerity of her invitation really struck a chord in me. As I walked out of the nail salon, I found myself wondering "how soon 'til I can go back to Asia...?" And I can't believe I'm already thinking that.

However, I don't have any immediate plans to return to the Far East (as much as I think I might want to). Instead, I am currently enjoying my time with family and friends, and, starting next week, I'll be searching the East coast for jobs like a fat kid searches the cabinet for chocolate. And, although I'm back in the States, there is still so so so much I did not get the chance to write about on this blog that I have made it one of my personal summer projects to update this puppy with more and more of my crazy China stories. (Seriously, I have a huge list of topics/stories just waiting to be written. Get ready.)

Because I know you all want to know about this beauty...
Until then, I hope all of you are enjoying your summers and, more importantly, enjoying the people you're with; they're the best part of summertime anyway.


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