Ni Hao, everyone!
And greetings from Xiamen! I'm about to embark on night three of my vacation here in Fujian province and so far, I have had a lovely time. This is probably the second city in China I've been to where I think to myself, "Man - if I ever were to live in China again, I could totally see myself here." (Nanjing is the other city, half just because of that
amazing burger). What's more impressive about Xiamen is that I already love it, and the weather has been mostly terrible (rain, rain and a side of more rain). Imagine what it must be like when it's nice out?!? It's probably a good thing the weather hasn't been the best, otherwise I don't know if I could make myself return to work...
Anyway, this morning I did manage to get a few beach hours in before the rain really started (yay!). And while I was at the beach, I had a lot of fun taking self-timed pictures using my tripod. The most entertaining (and also most frustrating) part of my photo shoot was my attempt at a "jumping" shot using the self-timer... talk about a near-impossible feat. After countless attempts at getting the timing just right, I did finally manage to get an airborne shot (woo!), but my favorite part of the shoot ended up being the pictures of me failing... miserably. And that, my friends, is what I want to share with you today: my awkward attempting-to-jump-at-the-right-time-but-not-quite-getting-it-right pictures from today's shoot. Enjoy.
Ok, technically I'm airborne in this one... but only by about an inch |
No, I'm not trying to poop... |
This is me attempting to calculate the pattern of the self-timer light...
and also displaying my lovely triple chin |
What? Jumping? No, I'm just dancing... "I throw my hands up in the air sometimes..." |
Ermahgerd! |
Come at me, bro. |
Bah! I give up. |
Just Kidding!
Never give up; Never surrender! |
There were quite a few other failures, but some of them I couldn't include due to the fact that my underwear was exposed (including my first successful jump-shot - talk about frustration). However, I think that all these ridiculous-looking pictures were totally worth it - I had so much fun!
Because I had to include at least one non-dufus picture on here ;) |
Tomorrow will be my last full day here - I think I'll head to one of the local temples at some point, but, more importantly, I plan to seize whatever rain-free moments I get and relax on the beach once more.
I hope you're all enjoying the beginning of April like I am! ZaiJian!
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