"It is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books." - Chinese Proverb

Monday, August 29, 2011

Not so Good News...

Quick Update:

Thanks to Hurricane Irene, both my flights have been cancelled and subsequently rescheduled. Perfect. Fortunately, it did not affect the price of either one(thank goodness). Here is my updated itinerary:

Wednesday, August 31st:
6:00am - 7:45am - Fly from RDU to JFK airport in NYC
10:30am - 11:30am on Sept. 1st (that's including a time change!) - Fly from JFK to Beijing, China (PEK)

Thursday, September 1st:
11:30am - Arrive in Beijing airport (PEK)
1:00pm - 3:00pm - Fly from Beijing to Hangzhou!

And I'll finally be there!! (only two days late...)

So, let's all hope that no other natural disasters decide to get in my way.


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Less than a Week!

I am leaving in five days... count 'em: FIVE. My stomach is playing host to a butterfly family reunion and I can't fall asleep at night. But, oh man, I am excited!!
 I just found out that I'll be living in an apartment complex with other foreign teachers of HNU. The apartments are located in downtown Hangzhou, right in the center of everything. I also have my first staff meeting on the 31st (yes, that is the day I arrive) and classes start on the first of September. However, if I am only assigned to teach freshmen classes, that means that I won't start teaching until September 19. This is because all Chinese first-year college students must partake in mandatory two-week military training at the beginning of the semester. So, fingers crossed I get some fun and interesting classes to teach!
Now, I must get back to my mountain of laundry (I'm hoping everything fits!) and start putting clothes into the suitcases. Woo!
Zaijian everyone!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Good News!

So, for those of you who didn't know: It is now officially official!! I received my Chinese visa in the mail on Wednesday and have purchased my ticket to Hangzhou.

I leave on Monday, August 29th at 10:15 am from RDU to New York. From there, I fly to Beijing and finally to Hangzhou. I arrive at 12:10 am on August 31st (Hangzhou time - 12 hours ahead of NC time). Total travel time? Approximately 25 hours. I won't deny it, it's going to be a long day. But it sure will be worth it!!

Of course, as it approaches, I am trying to be more and more appreciative of those who support me and show them how much I'll miss them. In fact, I've been doing research and it looks like I will be able to use my MagicJack in Hangzhou. This means that I will have a phone with a US phone number connected to my computer - it can call anywhere in the US without all the crazy international fees. So, if you're interested in getting this phone number, just shoot me an e-mail! (oecunningham2010@gmail.com). I will also have my Skype set up (my skype name is: olivia.cunningham615) - go ahead and download it, it's free!!

I'll be sure to keep everyone updated on my plans. But now, it's cleaning time.

